About Me

My name is Annie, and creating things is my passion. I especially love to sew. I started sewing when I was 5, and have hardly put a needle down since! I play the French Horn, love floral prints, and text obsessively.
I have 3 kitties, and they are my children. Peet, the oldest, is a classic brown tabby. He doesn't like people, when when he wants loves, he's so sweet. Que is the middle child, and she is grey with white mittens. She is the odd duckling. She doesn't jump, she glides, and she doesn't make a sound. She weighs less than a feather, I swear, and she is SUPER skittish! My youngest kitty, Jack, is orange and white and very friendly! He doesn't even wait for you to pet him before he turns on his FREAKING LOUD purr. And when HE jumps, You can feel it all around the house.
I like glitter, and cats(obviously), and spanish and everything in between. I never went through a horse phase, but I looooove cows! Cows are one of my favorite animals(the other being a giraffe). I like their curious faces; they really inspire me.
I like writing as well. You can read my writing on my other blog, herd-of-muses.blogspot.com.